Re: managing multiple relationships with the same membership-constant-URI

Hi Daniel,

Answers inlined below

On Fri, Oct 16, 2015 at 7:49 AM, Daniel Lamb <>

> I’m attempting to manage a relationship and its inverse on an LDP server,
> and started by using a using a direct container that has triples for both
> ldp:hasMemberRelation and ldp:isMemberOfRelation.  The LDP implementation
> I’m working with allows this, and some unofficial sources on the internet
> also support this practice.  Upon reading the spec, however, it seems that
> this not the way to go.
> Section States:
> Each LDP Direct Container
> <>
> representation *MUST* contain exactly one triple whose subject is the LDPC
> URI, and whose predicate is either ldp:hasMemberRelation or
> ldp:isMemberOfRelation. The object of the triple is constrained by other
> sections, such as ldp:hasMemberRelation
> <> or
> ldp:isMemberOfRelation
> <>, based on the membership
> triple <> pattern used by
> the container.
> Given the conflicting information I’m reading, and what the software I’m
> working with allows me to do, I’m confused as how to proceed.  What is the
> best practice for managing multiple relationships with the same
> membership-constant-URI?  Should I maintain a separate container per
> relationship?
Do you intend to have a combination of membership triples? Some with
ldp:hasMemberRelation and others with ldp:isMemberOfRelation?
If they are the same, then I would use only one as the spec defines and
simply use an inference rule:
   (*isMembershipPredicate* owl:inverseOf *memberOfPredicate*)

If they are different, I'd used use separate containers.

> If so, I assume I should report this back to the maintainers of the LDP
> server I’m using?
I'd recommend reporting it. It might be good to see what their LDP Test
Suite compliance report looks like. It appears this case is covered:

Steve Speicher

> Any help is greatly appreciated.
> ~Danny

Received on Monday, 2 November 2015 02:06:26 UTC