- From: Pierre-Antoine Champin <pierre-antoine.champin@liris.cnrs.fr>
- Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 09:47:15 +0200
- To: "henry.story@bblfish.net" <henry.story@bblfish.net>
- Cc: "public-ldp-comments@w3.org" <public-ldp-comments@w3.org>, public-ldp <public-ldp@w3.org>, Semantic Web <semantic-web@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CA+OuRR8+2f0gkzQaTk__+baV=9nbWPBHvVL8VW6yS+QhMyO8VQ@mail.gmail.com>
Hi Henry, On Sat, Sep 20, 2014 at 12:57 PM, henry.story@bblfish.net < henry.story@bblfish.net> wrote: > Turtle Patch [1] makes it obvious that being able to name the bnode > URIs in a patch request makes patching exceedingly easy to > implement as well as very easy to create patches. All that is needed for > a client implementation is to know what triples it needs to remove: > there is no need to find a pattern that would identify those triples > among all others. The main problem with Turtle Patch is that it > requires one to then make a new HTTP request with genid blank nodes, > to get the patchable format of the resource, or to always request them > and then sadly turn all bnodes de facto into URIs. > Agreed, also I'm not sure I'm coming to the same conclusions as you do below... > > Where there is usually a valid concern about naming bnodes - the > point of bnodes is that they the server publishing them should not have to > maintain references to them add eternam Who says I should maintain them *ad eternam*?? In my understanding, skolemization does not require the genid URIs to be the same across all successives states (versions) of a given resource. The only have to persist as long as the resource does not change, so that one can safely patch it? > - in the case of a PATCH > the action is directly on the graph in question, and so there is in this > case no problem of cross reference with other resources. > > Given this I think one should be able to have a simpler version of Turtle > patch without the need for genids, that keep the bnodes local to the > resource and that also don't require the extra request to be made to the > server ( the one that is required to GET the graphs with the genids using > the "Prefer: return=representation blank-nodes=use-genid" header ). > > It could simply be decided that a resource that advertises the given > Patch Format - lets call it N3-Patch - understands there to be an automatic > mapping from the order of bnodes in their representation to a set > of explicit bnodes such as _:bn1 to _:bnN . One could then have something > like > the following document at /asterix > Well, in my opinion, we are back to problem #1: you ask the server to maintain an *order*, while the underlying data model (RDF abstract syntax) has no such notion. So you still put an extra burden on the server. Granted, it is not a huge deal, and is probably a good way to keep the extra information that allows you to skolemize bnodes, but this is still something that you get out of the box for standard triple stores. pa > GET /asterix HTTP/1.1 > > > HTTP/1.1 200 Ok > E-Tag: "slab v2" > > [] foaf:name "Asterix". > foaf:knows [ foaf:name "Julius Caesar"; > foaf:homePage <http://palace.rome/> ]. > > [] foaf:name "Obelix" . > > And patch it with the following PATCH Request > > PATCH /asterix HTTP/1.1 > Content-Type: text/n3 > If-Match: "slab v2" > > @prefix foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/> > > { _:bnx1 foaf:knows _:bnx2 } patch:replaceWith { _:bnx1 foaf:knows _:bnx3 } > > Which would result in a following request > > GET /asterix HTTP/1.1 > Accept: text/turtle > > HTTP/1.1 200 Ok > Content-Type: text/turtle > > [] foaf:name "Asterix". > foaf:knows [ foaf:name "Obelix" ]. > > [] foaf:name "Julius Caesar"; > foaf:homePage <http://palace.rome/> > > > Henry > > > [1] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/wiki/TurtlePatch > > > Social Web Architect > http://bblfish.net/ > > >
Received on Monday, 22 September 2014 07:48:10 UTC