Re: LDP paging: specing Sandros proposal

> I don't see how HTTP range requests are useful for paging.

besides Byte ranges, how about:

 Line ranges for
 - CSV mapped to RDF w/ a related CSV-LD mapping-frame
 - NTriples
 - text/plain URIs in object position on (SIOC|DC):content predicate) - web equivalent of more/less pagers from POSIX-land

 Triple ranges
 - LDPHP/ returns a Triples: header in HTTP. suppose you HEAD a LDP container and it contains 27316 triples, request 101-200
 URI ranges
  per DanC recommendation on IRC in 2001, datetimes in URIs are "greatest thing since sliced bread" or so. they can provide an index/offset into a set and provide some results-ordering without going full onto needing SPARQL just to have an ordered-range of results

Received on Thursday, 12 June 2014 14:42:12 UTC