On 12/17/12 12:17 PM, Erik Wilde wrote:
> here you're taking a turn into a RDF-only world. which is one possible
> way to go, but not the web.
I believe LDP is based on the following:
1. RDF data model -- an entity relationship data model endowed with
explicit machine and human comprehensible semantics
2. Linked Data -- structured data based on the RDF model
3. HTTP -- data access protocol that's decoupled from data
representation formats
4. RDF data formats -- Turtle (MUST) and others (MAYBE).
If the above is true, why do you keep on recycling the same debate
topics in different guises? I've just re-read this charter's definition
[1], just in case I've completely overlooked something.
1. http://www.w3.org/2012/ldp/charter -- LDP charter.
Kingsley Idehen
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