Re: Links and graphs

On Sunday 16. December 2012 14.53.09 mca wrote:
> thanks for the jumping in here. my only complaint w/ your reply is that
> you "described to me" how you would express this choice, but didn't show
> me. i am serious, too.

Fair point! I have one proposal (that needs elaboration, for sure), in the 
presentation I gave at the LAPIS workshop on ESWC:

To do this in practice, it would first look for the pattern
</resource> void:inDataset ?dataset.
If it finds that this doesn't match anything, it simply cannot tell whether 
a SPARQL endpoint is present. If ?dataset is a URI, it should GET 
that/those resource(s), then it would probably have a VoID description. 

In the merged graph of the resource description and the VoID description,  
it would look for a pattern 
</resource> void:inDataset [ void:sparqlEndpoint ?endpoint ]
if it finds that it matches, then there is a SPARQL endpoint.

Obviously, I should sit down and write the code, but alas, there is too 
little time in the world. :-/ I've set myself a deadline of February to 
code the server side things for this though.


Received on Sunday, 16 December 2012 20:07:27 UTC