Re: more charter changes, and do you like "RESTful" ?

RESTful++.  It is cute, and the Web needs all the cuteness it can get.


On Apr 3, 2012, at 12:25, Sandro Hawke wrote:

> In response to various comments, on and off list, I've made a variety of
> small changes:
> The only substantive changes, I think, are:
> -  linking to the recent Submission as a starting point for the work
> -  saying that we'll use standard HTTP, not define our own extensions.
> I'm getting some pushback on using the term "RESTful" at all.  I guess
> the recent TAG meeting brought up some of the differences between Roy
> Fielding's idea of REST and the various ways to term is used and misused
> today.   If anyone would care to suggest alternative terminology or
> voice support for terms currently in the charter, please do so soon.
>    -- Sandro

Received on Tuesday, 3 April 2012 16:50:09 UTC