Rechartering the LDP WG


As you may know, the charter of the Linked Data Platform WG expires at the end of this
month.   The main Linked Data specification has been published as a W3C
Recommendation  but work on LDP Paging and LDP Patch
could not be completed and these two specifications will be published as W3C Notes.   
Many of us in the WG feel that it is important that this work should progress.   
In addition, we feel that there are other pieces of work that that need to be done to
deliver on the vision for Linked Data discussed in the original charter.   The suggested
areas include Extensibility and Discovery, Inlining on GET and POST, Query, Paging
and Access Control.

This is an informal inquiry as to whether your organization would be interested in

participating in a rechartered LDP WG.   A new charter has been prepared  based on the
LDPNext wish list  and input from the
LDP Open meeting held in San Francisco on April 21. The proposed charter is at

I think this is an exciting, fundamental area for the future development of the Web
and I hope your organization will choose to participate.

All the best, Ashok

Received on Tuesday, 7 July 2015 16:46:06 UTC