Re: ContainerHierarchy again

On 5 Mar 2014, at 01:35, ashok malhotra <> wrote:

> In programming languages, subclass relationships come with certain guarantees
> such as :  a method that runs on an instance of the parent class will also run on
> an instance of the subclass.
> What are the equivalent guarantees on RDF subclasses?
> In other words, what are the rules on behavior between a parent class and a subclass?

classes in RDF are (very close to ) mathematical Sets. They don't change, they don't have
behavior.  All members of a subclass are members of a subclass. 

So if something is true of all members of a superclass then it is true of all members 
of a subclass for example. RDFS and owl map out a lot of these rules.

For example in the ontology I wrote up we had

ldp:membershipResource a rdf:Property,
         rdfs:domain ldp:IndirectContainer .

ldp:membershipResource a rdf:Property;
         rdfs:domain ldp:IndirectContainer .

ldp:insertedContentRelation a rdf:Property, owl:FunctionalProperty;
         rdfs:domain ldp:IndirectContainer .

This allows us do conclude from { ?c ldp:membershipResource ?r } that { ?c a ldp:IndirectContainer }.

What we want to say is something stronger though, namely that every ldp:IndirectContainer has these
three relations. We could say:

ldp:IndirectContainer a rdfs:Class, owl:Class;
   rdfs:subClassOf ldp:Container,
                   [ a rdf:Restriction;
                     owl:onProperty ldp:hasMemberRelation;
                     owl:cardinality 1;
                   [ a rdf:Restriction;
                     owl:onProperty ldp:insertedContentRelation;
                     owl:cardinality 1;
                   [ a rdf:Restriction;
                     owl:onProperty ldp:membershipResource;
                     owl:cardinality 1;

This would tell us that every IndirectContainer has only 1 of these three relations.
But then we can no longer say that the ldp:contains relations is a restriction on 
the ldp:hasMemberRelation, since then we'd have two of each relation, which by the
above restriction would be owl:sameAs each other.

To take out example 

<> a ldp:DirectContainer;
   dcterms:title "The assets of JohnZSmith";
   ldp:membershipResource <>;
   ldp:hasMemberRelation o:asset;
   ldp:contains <a1>, <a2>.

It would then follow that

   o:asset owl:sameAs ldp:contains .

which is not what we want. 

If we then set cardinatlity restrictions to 2 then we would no longer know which of the 
two ldp:hasMemberRelation is meant to go with which ldp:insertedContentRelation. And
yet that is what we are doing when we have an IndirectContainer that also has the ldp:contains

I am trying to see if I can get Pellet to come up with this conclusion by itself.

This shows I think that we need to model what we are doing using ldp:bindingRules
where an ldp:IndirectContainer is restricted to two Rules, and each rule itself can only have
one of each of the relations. I think things will work out in that case.

So I think we do have a serious modelling problem here. 
Perhaps if someone who is better at owl can work this out with me we'd be able to get this 
worked out cleanly.

This is how far  I got until now...

ldp:HttpActionRule a rdfs:Class;
   rdfs:comment """
      a rule on what consequences will occur on POSTing to a container.

ldp:bindingRule a rdf:Property;
   rdfs:label "binding rule";
   rdfs:domain ldp:Container;
   rdfs:range ldp:HTTPActionRule .

ldp:IndirectContainerRule rdfs:subClassOf ldp:HttpActionRule .
ldp:DirectContainerRule rdfs:subClassOf ldp:IndirectContainerRule .

ldp:ContainerRule rdfs:subClassOf ldp:DirectContainerRule ;
   rdfs:label "ContainerRule";
   rdfs:comment """
     the rule that on POSTing creates an ldp:contains relation, etc... 

   owl:equivalentClass [ a owl:Restriction;
         owl:onProperty ldp:bindingRule;
         owl:someValuesFrom ldp:ContainerRule ].

    owl:equivalentClass [ owl:intersectionOf 
           ( ldp:Container 
             [ a owl:Restriction; 
              owl:onProperty ldp:bindingRule;
              owl:maxQualifiedCardinality 2;
              owl:onClass ldp:IndirectContainerRule ] 

    owl:equivalentClass [ owl:intersectionOf 
           ( ldp:Container 
             [ a owl:Restriction; 
              owl:onProperty ldp:bindingRule;
              owl:maxQualifiedCardinality 2;
              owl:onClass ldp:DirectContainerRule ] 


> On 3/4/2014 3:38 PM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> On 3/4/14 1:16 PM, wrote:
>>> At the last meeting there was a resolution to move back to the previous positon 
>>> on container hierarchies, the position called "the minimal consensual position"
>>> in 
>>> But that wiki page shows how the minimal consensual position we have currently
>>> + the decisions we have previously come to lead to hierarchy
>>> IndirectContainer
>>>    DirectContainer
>>>       BasicContainer
>>> In RDF subclass relations DO NOT mean dependence of one subclass
>>> on another. You can easily deprecate classes without subclasses or
>>> superclasses without this leading to legacy issues.
>>> All the subclass relations mean is that you cannot have objects that are in one
>>> class and not the superclass as shown by the picture
>>> So I think it is misleading in fact to now show the classes as having no relation to each
>>> other when we know they do.
>>> Henry
>> Is this addressed to me or everyone else? 
>> "
>> In RDF subclass relations DO NOT mean dependence of one subclass
>> on another. You can easily deprecate classes without subclasses or
>> superclasses without this leading to legacy issues.
>> "
>> You appear (if this is directed to me) to be assuming that I am I disagreeing with, or contradicting, the claim above? 
>> FWIW: subclasses are useful in the context of inference, when the relations in question (e.g., rdfs:subClassOf) are transitive in nature.
>> -- 
>> Regards,
>> Kingsley Idehen	      
>> Founder & CEO 
>> OpenLink Software     
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Social Web Architect

Received on Wednesday, 5 March 2014 10:26:58 UTC