Re: Final edits made to Best Practices Practices and Guidelines - what's next?

Hi Cody,

I'll respond to the list because this is a recurrent question as WG 
members get to the FPWD stage and the actual publication process isn't 
completely obvious.

To publish the document we need to 1) prepare the document, 2) request 
authorization from the domain leader (because it's a first publication and 
the short name ldp-bp needs to be approved), 3) request webreq to publish 

1) Generate an HTML version of the document which doesn't depend on Respec 
and put this into mercurial, assuming a date of publication of, say, 5 
days later. Make sure your URL is set accordingly. 

The document need to comply with the publication rules: see the validator 
from the following page: 

Note: if you tell Respec this is a First Public WG Draft, it will take 
care of setting the status section etc accordingly. 

2) when that's done, let me know and I'll request the authorization 

3) when we get it you'll have to send a request to, copying with a note similar to: 

Let me know if you have any questions. 
Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

Cody Burleson <> wrote on 07/08/2014 04:33:40 PM:

> From: Cody Burleson <>
> To: Arnaud Le Hors/Cupertino/IBM@IBMUS, 
> Cc: Linked Data Platform WG <>
> Date: 07/08/2014 04:35 PM
> Subject: Final edits made to Best Practices Practices and Guidelines
> - what's next?
> Hi, Arnaud,
> I completed the final edits to the Best Practices and Guidelines 
> document this morning. I replaced the controversial term "canonical"
> with "primary" and also updated the Turtle examples to use both 
> classes (a ldp:Container, ldp:BasicContainer) in order to align with
> recommendation and other examples from our canon.
> Is there something else necessary now to officiate this document in some 
> -- 
> Cody Burleson

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2014 07:23:40 UTC