Re: Getting to closure on the remaining issues

On 01/24/2014 10:07 AM, Henry Story wrote:
> On 24 Jan 2014, at 15:55, Alexandre Bertails <> wrote:
>> On 01/24/2014 09:15 AM, Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>>> On 1/24/14 3:11 AM, Henry Story wrote:
>>>>> Somewhere in, at the fragment-id
>>>>>> #Container, I expect to find something saying that ldp:Container when
>>>>>> used with rel=profile denotes the Container interaction model as
>>>>>> defined in
>>>> You can not do things like that in RDF. You can not have a URI
>>>> denote one thing if it is related to by one relation, and another thing
>>>> if it is related to by another relation.
>>> Alexandre,
>>> Wouldn't you be better served by providing an example of what you mean?
>>> Like Henry, I don't understand what you mean i.e., how you would express
>>> what you claim using RDF.
>> <> a rdf:Class ;
>>   dc:description "when use with with rel=profile, denotes the Container interaction model as defined in" .
> This suggests that with another relation ldp:Container denotes something else. Yet a URI always only
> denotes one thing. That is core to the notion of a URI, and clearly written out in the ldp semantics.

I still don't understand. Can you say where it's "clearly written out"?

In plain English: ldp:Container happens to be a class that can be used
to denote the Container interaction model when used with
rel=profile. What's wrong in that sentence?


> Henry
>> Alexandre.
> Social Web Architect

Received on Friday, 24 January 2014 15:27:47 UTC