Re: ldp-ISSUE-92 (interaction model): Change rel=type to rel=profile for client introspection of interaction model [Linked Data Platform Spec]

>>>>> If you have a graph that said
>>>>> <#joe> a :Elephant .
>>>>> This would tell you quite a lot about how you can interact with <#joe> .
>>>> Ok, I'll bite.  What exactly does the rdf:type statement tell *code* about how it can interact with <#joe>?
>>> Say you have a robot that can walk around, and that knows that <#joe> is an elephant, then it will know a lot of things
>>> that are true of Elephants in general. IT will know that it has a trump, and that it walks around on 4 legs, that
>>> if it is older it has a certain size, etc... It will know that it eats, that is has good memory usually, etc. Those
>>> are all kinds of constraints on how the robot can interact with the elephant. For example it is quite different than how it
>>> would interact with <#jimmy> a cricket. With an elephant the human sized robot might have a chance to meet it head on.
>>> With a bacteria a cricket it might have to look in completely different places.
>> Like on the web, I think that the robot will be offered interaction possibilities in the form of <forms> and this is how it makes it's way around.
> :-D
> So you think children have an internal language of thought that resembles HTML somehow, and that when
> they want to raise their hand they POST a form to the decision module in their head to raise their hand, 
> or something like that?

Well, I think if you go into a RESTuarant, you are lead through through that experience ... you don't rely on some (possibly outdated) notions of what you should do and how to do them. 


> I think that sounds very much like a philosophical confusion, due to using one tool too much, and
> to a confusion about the syntax/semantics distinction. But you are not the only one with this
> problem :-)  Brian Cantwell Smith explains very well how computer scientists have had a lot of difficulties
> with this distintion over the past 40 years, in the presentation at the PhiloWeb in the Pompidou Center 
> last year:
> Henry

Received on Wednesday, 8 January 2014 12:04:47 UTC