Re: Idea for some side-time during the next face-to-face

Great idea.   Absolutely worth a shot, IMHO.

Not quite sure which parts I'd be best at covering - maybe some of the 
narrative, or some linked-data vision.

        - Sandro

On 09/06/2013 10:33 AM, Cody Burleson wrote:
> Team,
> This morning, during my jog, I was thinking about what we could do to 
> help build interest and attention around Linked Data and, in 
> particular, the Linked Data Platform. Though I may be the least 
> technically astute of our bunch, I'd like to think that I'm OK at 
> marketing. I also think that we have a responsibility to help the 
> world understand the efficacy and transformational power of Linked 
> Data and the emerging Semantic Web - a topic that, IMHO, has been very 
> poorly communicated in the past. We need to help the world understand 
> what we're doing, why it's important, and how it's transforming the 
> future of the modern enterprise and the World Wide Web.
> So, I was wondering what you guys thought about taking some minutes 
> during, say, a lunch break, at the next face-to-face to record some 
> talking-head vignettes. The idea being that we eventually snip 
> together a somewhat documentary style video. Remember, YouTube is the 
> worlds second largest search engine. I can imagine a video that 
> contains some animated sequences that help illustrate the concepts 
> behind Linked Data, intercut with brief snippets of talking-head 
> vignettes (name, profession, company bottom right of screen).
> You have a company and so you introduce your company's role. How your 
> company is using Linked Data to make a difference in the world. Or... 
> you explain a small piece of the big picture in your own words, which 
> can be used in the overview of Linked Data.
> I could ask each of you who may be interested what you might wish to 
> touch on and prepare interview questions around that topic and you 
> just talk freely for a few minutes. I can bring an HD camera and 
> lavalier microphone.
> Later, I can then license some nice background music and have some 
> animated illustrations done in Adobe After FX. Eventually editing a 
> nice 10 minute video overview that hopefully we could make better than 
> any out there today.
> Of course, everyone participating would have a chance to review a 
> rough cut and thumbs down any part they did not like.
> We might get some great material. We might get crap and just end up 
> saying, "Nah, this doesn't work." But it's worth a shot, no?
> I know our chief purpose is to complete our charter, but I think we 
> could fit this in the in-betweens somewhat non-intrusively.
> Yay? Nay? Sure, Why Not?
> Let me know your thoughts.
> -- 
> Cody Burleson

Received on Friday, 6 September 2013 14:43:27 UTC