Re: linking from resource -> container ..

hi Ashok, 

>> I am referring to links which resource can use to refer it's containers - i.e. a Networth can point to it's Assets and Liabilities containers.
> Roger, you said this on Monday's telcon also but I'm afraid I'm not getting it.
> A link by which a resource can refer to (one of its) containers would be a URI, correct?

The Networth resource is a URI and so are the Asset and Liability children, so, yes. 

> So, how is it different from a back link?  

The "Networth" class of resources says it is composed of its "Assets" and "Liabilities". 
So, each "Networth" is the parent to a number Asset and Liability children. 

If I de-reference a Networth resource, the representation MUST contain information how it links (through outgoing link) to these children, because through these child container resources I can manipulate the Networth resource. 

OK, if it doesn't work this way, how else do you see the spec allowing that manipulation to happen ??


> Perhaps the difference is that a backlink assumes
> that the resource belongs to a single container and you are assuming that a resource
> can belong to several containers -- which I'm ok with.  Is that it?
> Ashok

Received on Friday, 8 March 2013 00:39:09 UTC