Re: linking from resource -> container ..

On 3/4/13 12:41 PM, Roger Menday wrote:
> My explanation of why this is an important issue was a bit of a ramble 
> on the call just earlier, so, I'll have another go at explaining:
> Navigation is on the web is moving (i.e. browsing) between domain data 
> resources. Along on the way we may want to interact to create new 
> resources. This interaction is done using other methods POST, PUT, 
> etc, via 'interaction' resources (which are discovered/linked inside 
> the LD).
> The networth example of the spec (example 2) is a case in point. i.e. 
> given a networth resource (by searching, navigation, ...), should I 
> want to interact with the resource I need to know where the associated 
> containers are. This isn't back-linking, it is linking in the flow of 
> the application.


Because when the subject matter context is RDF (model) based Linked 
Data, _links_ denote things in a manner that enables them resolve to the 
meaning/sense of their referents.

A predicate is a thing endowed with its own set of characteristics 
(attributes or properties). Thus, when a _link_ denotes a predicate (as 
is the case with the RDF model)  it enables a machine or human 
comprehend the meaning (semantics) of the relationship between the 
subject and object(s) of said predicate.

We need to peel this onion back a few more layers via actual live 
examples for this little RDF based Linked Data mystery to unravel fully, 
methinks :-)

> Roger
>>> While it is tempting to want to have "back links" - links from 
>>> member resources to the containers they are member of - because it 
>>> certainly can be convenient, we can't possibly require that of all 
>>> implementations.
>> Based on ex.2 in the spec: I believe that from a networth resource, 
>> it must be possible to discover the container(s) that a client then 
>> needs to interact with to manage its assets and liabilities details.
>> I don't understand why you consider this to be a "back link" ?
>> Roger
>>> <>
>>>   a ldp:Container;
>>>   ldp:membershipSubject <_>;
>>>   ldp:membershipPredicate o:asset.
>>> <_>
>>>   a o:NetWorth;
>>>   o:asset <a1>, <a2>.



Kingsley Idehen	
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Received on Monday, 4 March 2013 19:35:09 UTC