LDP Agenda for February 4 - please read!

Hi everyone,

We seem to have been making some progress on issues 37 (model) and 34 
(aggregations) but, as discussed on Monday, I want us to go back to trying 
to solve some of the issues we have open and make concrete progress.

With that in mind we will first try to close issues 9 and 10 which I think 
should be pretty easy.

We can then spend some time discussing a new section Erik started putting 
together on how to describe the model in the spec. To ensure we make 
progress I'd like people to make concrete proposals in the form of actual 
edits to this section, a la "change xxx to yyy", "add xxx", or "remove 

Please, have a look at agenda for Monday and be prepared accordingly:

Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

Received on Thursday, 31 January 2013 21:28:37 UTC