Re: Proposal for containers

On 31 Jan 2013, at 12:51, "Wilde, Erik" <> wrote:

> hello henry.
> On 2013-01-31 12:17 , "Henry Story" <> wrote:
>> So I think we have worked out that a requirement for an AtomPub
>> application of LDP is going to be a notion of profiles.
> only if LDP wants to be visible on the web as a service. but then it's
> required for LDP in any case, whether we have our design inspired by
> AtomPub or not. simple example: imagine a meta-service providing a
> switchboard for applications to work with collections. in the uniform
> interface of the web, you'd use media types to indicate capabilities of
> resources. so you'd say (and i am using some random syntax here)
> application/atom+xml (link to AtomPub service
> document)
> application/ldp+turtle (link to LDP "service
> document")
> application/ldpng+turtle (link to LDP-NG
> "service document")
> this is operating under the assumption that LDP will not remain the only
> collection management protocol using RDF, but instead there will be an
> alternative, an incompatible competitor called "LDP-NG". if we used
> "text/turtle" as the media type, then clients would have no idea what to
> expect, and wouldn't be able to follow the link to the service they want
> to use.

Why not have your service document do something like this

<> xyz:service <http://ldp.example/> .
<http://ldp.example/> a ldp:Container .

And then if you want to specify the media types available on that you could add

<http://ldp.example/> xxx:mime "application/atom+xml", "text/turtle" .

If it wants to link to another service it could write:

<> xyz:service <http://ldpng.example/> .
<http://ldpng.example/> a ldpng:Container .

See nothing special here.

But I still think you may be onto something with profiles.


> cheers,
> dret.

Social Web Architect

Received on Thursday, 31 January 2013 12:29:15 UTC