ISSUE-36 Proposal from Erik Wilde

"you'd take a
representation of a collection (containing only the info you need to
create a collection, so it would be more of a proto-collection
representation than an actual collection), and you'd POST it to a resource
that will become the managing resource for that collection. in AtomPub,
that would be the workspace. in LDP, if we allow nested collections, that
might be a collection. if we have some anchor concept other than a "root
collection", then that anchor resource would accept POSTing of collections
as well. as a response to a successful creation request, the collection
pops into existence on the server, and the server responds with a 201 and
a location header that links to the new collection resource."

This note will link the proposal with the issue

All the best, Ashok

Received on Tuesday, 29 January 2013 16:33:21 UTC