Re: ISSUE-36: Summary of ways of making containers

On 24/01/13 20:39, Nandana Mihindukulasooriya wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 5:42 PM, Alexandre Bertails <
> <>> wrote:
>         Just a question: Is it only during the creation time
>         when the POSTed content contains
>              <> a ldp:Container .
>         that that action creates a Container?
>         Or can one later append that triple to any resource to
>         turn  it into a container?
>     I was expecting something like that to come up... And that's a
>     legitimate question. I would say that POSTing this triple to a
>     non-LDPC should not create a new container. But then, it brings other
>     questions, like, what does it mean when a client dereference the LDPR
>     and see this triple?
> I also think it should not. However, LDP applications can / may decide
> whether this conversion is allowed or not based on their own application
> restrictions. But what is important is that server should ensure it is
> in a consistent state. So if a server allows this triple to be added,
> the server should consider that the LDPR is converted to a LDPC and it
> should behave as an ldp:Container for that point on wards.

I think the triple should only be allowed when the thing is created.

There seem to be various corner cases otherwise (e.g. presence of some 
container triples already in an LDP-R).


> Alternatively, if a server decides that clients can not convert an LDPR
> to an LDPC once is created, it should discard the '<> a ldp:Container'
> triple in any of the updates (servers would normally do the same for
> system managed properties like created time,  etc) or as in the current
> spec for some specific protocol data
> [[
> 5.5.2 LDPC servers may allow updating LDPC non-membership properties
> using HTTP PUT on <containerURL>?non-member-properties, which may
> exclude server-managed properties such as ldp:membershipSubject and
> ldp:membershipPredicate.
> ]]
> Best Regards,
> Nandana

Received on Monday, 28 January 2013 11:59:35 UTC