Re: MKCOL for making collections

On 23 Jan 2013, at 09:25, "Wilde, Erik" <> wrote:

> hello ashok.
> On 2013-01-22 23:12 , "Ashok Malhotra" <> wrote:
>> On 1/22/2013 1:52 PM, Alexandre Bertails wrote:
>>> If I know that X is an LDPC, and that the LDP spec tells me how to
>>> create a sub-LDPC from there directly, then I don't need anything
>>> else, do I?
>>> It looks like the home document notion is overkill to me and much more
>>> general.
>> The question is how do you start?  Where do you get the URI for the first
>> LDPC?
> exactly. if a client wants to start interacting with a LDP service it
> hasn't used before, and where it has no bookmarks, where should it start?

This is completely besides the point on a thread about how to make 
a new collection.

> it would be good to have a resource that provides easy access to all of
> the services of that LDP server.

It might be. Perhaps if you bring this up in a different thread?

--- back to this thread:

When dealing with a collection the only authoritative resource for that
collection is the collection itself. Any other document that could point to 
it could be out of date, misguided or lying. 

So when you do an HTTP GET on some collection Collection/Container C, it
is the best place, nay the authoritative place, to tell you what it is and
what it can do. This is the same as with any other resource in linked data. 
The HTTP GET on any  resource R is  what tells you what the resource R is. 
That resource can point somewhere else for more information, but unless the
resource itself does the pointing to the other resource, you cannot make
the link authoritative.

In any case the advantage of MKCOL is that you don't need another document, 
you don't need to traverse a link hierarchy, you just need to know

<> a ldp:Container .

and if the HTTP header says MKCOL is allowed ( and if you have the acl 
rights ) then you can proceed to make the Collection.

> thanks and cheers,
> dret.

Social Web Architect

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2013 08:47:43 UTC