Re: MKCOL for making collections

On 22 Jan 2013, at 16:58, Alexandre Bertails <> wrote:

> On 01/22/2013 10:52 AM, Steve Speicher wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 10:35 AM, Alexandre Bertails <> wrote:
>>> On 01/22/2013 10:17 AM, Steve Speicher wrote:
>>>> On Tue, Jan 22, 2013 at 10:03 AM, Henry Story <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> ISSUE-36: Can applications create new containers?
>>>>> We cannot make a collection by POSTing a doument on a collection, since
>>>>> that
>>>>> creates a resource. We therefore would need a different HTTP Method to do
>>>>> this.
>>>> Why can't we do this?  A Container/Collection IS a resource.  So
>>>> therefore POST'ing the representation of it seems like the most
>>>> obvious way to create one.
>>> I agree with Henry's premises: this way of creating containers should
>>> be discussed. The reason is that this strategy forces you to look into
>>> each RDF document that is POSTed, to search for the triples saying
>>> "hey, by the way, I'm an LDPC!".
>>> It's not that it's impossible, it's just very annoying in practice. So
>>> it's at least not perfect.
>>> Alexandre.
>> That reasoning makes sense but doesn't avoid the case where a server
>> receives a RDF document with a "new" container in it and needs to sort
>> out what to make of it.  Worth discussing I agree, I see pros and cons
>> to both approaches.
> Using a different verb (or just something different enough from
> POSTing a new LDPR), the server can at least make a choice of actions
> *before* looking at the content. That's a pro.
> Also in practice, the server will probably want to look at the RDF
> content, to check if it's valid RDF for example. Not really a pro or a
> cons, just to say that we're doomed anyway :-)

Oh no! A devil just came up from the underworld and whispered to me:
  "of course you would not have this trouble if all collections were
   URIs that ended with a '/' "

> Alexandre.
>>>>> I suggest MKCOL from WebDAV, since it is already defined.
>>>>> The content of the body, could be Triples that describe things
>>>>> that can be put into the collection. As it happens that is not
>>>>> defined yet it seems, so we can define it.
>>>>>    Any thoughts on that?  I'll try implementing that.
>>>> Seems like we'd have to dig into more of what the semantics of that
>>>> verb says [1] but feels a little like we'd have to adapt more of
>>>> WebDAV instead of just reusing the verb and giving it our own special
>>>> meaning.
>>>> [1] -
>>>>> Henry
>>>>> Social Web Architect
>>>> --
>>>> - Steve
>> --
>> - Steve

Social Web Architect

Received on Tuesday, 22 January 2013 16:04:44 UTC