Re: Issue-37: Ontological Modelling

On 1/21/2013 11:01 AM, Henry Story wrote:
> Is this something you want for all resources mentioned in all LDPRs, or is it that you are thinking
> of LDPAs as very special things? Ie: do you think that any resource that appears in an LDPR/A SHOULD
> be removed from that LDPR/A before being deleted?

Members of a collection are deleted when the collection is deleted,  so, that's not a problem.
It's the LDPA case I am concerned about.

I think LDP is different from the Web.  It is a data model and demands consistency.
But, regardless,  the SHOULD covers both bases.  It recommends consistency but allows
you to be inconsistent if you wish.


Received on Monday, 21 January 2013 21:05:38 UTC