Re: container/member models

> From: Roger Menday <>
> ...
> Arnaud and Henry, 
> I thought the suggestion from Raśl was a very good one. 
> So, just to get this straight:  where should "alternative model" / 
> "variations around the current model" content be placed ? 
> thanks, 
> Roger

Proposals for the LDP Model go on the wiki:
Proposals for Aggregations go on the wiki:

Discussions go to this mailing list.

I expect the model page to be limited to LDPR and LDPC for now. If we 
eventually decide to extend LDP with some aggregation we will extend the 
model accordingly.
Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

Received on Thursday, 17 January 2013 21:55:29 UTC