Re: containers examples should end in /

Hi all,

On Jan 14, 2013, at 08:54, Henry Story <> wrote:

> The argument is that instead of having containers
> with URLs such as 
> they should be



> The argument for this is as follows:
> Consider the example 1 as it is currently written:
> [[
> @prefix dcterms: <>.
> @prefix rdfs: <>.
> @prefix ldp: <>.
> <>
>   a ldp:Container;
>   dcterms:title "A very simple container";
>   rdfs:member
>      <>,
>      <>,
>      <>.
> ]]
> Let us say we make these now into relative URIs, 
> as required by ISSUE-29  and ACTION-30. Consider
> the difference between the way the two containers
> are written:
> 1. Container URI is
> ---------------------------------------------------
> Then the relative version of example 1 can be the very 
> elegant:
> @prefix dcterms: <>.
> @prefix rdfs: <>.
> @prefix ldp: <>.
> <> a ldp:Container;
> dcterms:title "A very simple container";
> rdfs:member <member1>, <member2>, <member3> .
> 2. Container URI is
> --------------------------------------------------
> If a GET on this container were to return the above 
> representation then that would produce a graph isomorphic 
> to:
> [[
> @prefix dcterms: <>.
> @prefix rdfs: <>.
> @prefix ldp: <>.
> <>
>   a ldp:Container;
>   dcterms:title "A very simple container";
>   rdfs:member
>      <>,
>      <>,
>      <>.
> ]]
> That is not what was intended. Therefore the returned document would
> have to be the much less elegant:
> [[
> @prefix dcterms: <>.
> @prefix rdfs: <>.
> @prefix ldp: <>.
> <> a ldp:Container;
> dcterms:title "A very simple container";
> rdfs:member <container1/member1>, <container1/member2>, <container1/member3> .
> ]]
> So clearly the better solution is to have containers be entities ending
> in a "/" .
> Henry
> A short message from my sponsors: Vive la France!
> Social Web Architect

Received on Monday, 14 January 2013 14:06:06 UTC