- From: Roger Menday <roger.menday@uk.fujitsu.com>
- Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2013 16:15:22 +0000
- To: "ashok.malhotra@oracle.com" <ashok.malhotra@oracle.com>
- CC: "public-ldp-wg@w3.org" <public-ldp-wg@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <AD4FE6FA-2241-410A-B3B6-CEB9AE699E75@uk.fujitsu.com>
> Hi Roger: > Please look at the Wiki page devoted to issue-37. Erik has described the AtomPub model there > and I have made some comments. Please add to the info there and try and answer the questions > asked. For example, how are collections created? When a collection is deleted are all its members > deleted as well? And so on. > All the best, Ashok > hi Ashok, Yes, I am trying to extend the text and will place it onto wiki. I am thinking about consistency of terminology, because "link collections" are the basis of my proposal, and on the wiki page "resource collections" are the assumption (I think). Anyway, in the meantime here are some thoughts to your questions on the Wiki: 1. "We need to be able to create and delete collections." Collection creation is very common and instigated by the server and then offered to the client in the flow of the application. Delete is also available on all resources, although I quite like 'archive over delete' too. 2. "When a collection is deleted are its members deleted also? Or is there an option?" I don't think that a client should necessary expect delete to extend to the descendants ... not least because it is difficult for a server to honour this every time. If the server decides to delete descendants then it should inform the client. 3. "Can collections contain collections? In other words, are collections hierarchical?" Yes. 4. "Does each LDP model have/need a service document? If yes, perhaps collections could be created by PUT on the service document?" I don't see a need for service documents. regards, Roger > On 1/11/2013 2:51 PM, Roger Menday wrote: >> I've tried to make a short description of a model proposal which I believe covers composition/ aggregation, paging, creation and server directed application flow. For the moment it is called it the "Graph and Links" model :) I will try and fit an extended description onto the wiki. >> >
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Received on Saturday, 12 January 2013 16:55:36 UTC