Re: Aggregation: simple proposal

On Jan 6, 2013, at 03:15 PM, Andy Seaborne wrote:

> On 04/01/13 21:55, Steve Speicher wrote:
>>> IBM - what alternatives were considered for containership?
>>> >
>> (Assume you are wanting the background on the member submission on this)
>> It would be hard for me to summarize the many discussions that
>> occurred around this, especially in this email thread.  We were also
>> watching RDF WG was considering in this area ISSUE-24
>> Therefore there didn't appear to be a clear construct that we should
>> use directly or augment.
>> ...snip...
> May I ask a specific question?
> Why this approach, using ldp:membershipPredicate P?
> I see no advantage over having a fixed well-known property, and harm with unnecessary difficult for access/querying.
> (I can see why rdfs:member is a bad choice)

It seems to me we're very near to reinventing SIOC [1], which
was long ago (2007) accepted as a W3C Member Submission, though
it sadly seems not ever to have been built into a WG Charter, 
and so remains outside the standards track.

Can we not pick up from the SIOC submission?  Is there a way
to codify its current state (or even subsume those existing
ontologies, etc., under the ldp space)?

Then we could ...

- make multiple subClasses of ldp:container (nee sioc:container)
  such as ldp:compContainer, ldp:aggContainer, etc?

- simply make ldp:container a subClass of sioc:container, with
  any additional properties required for "strict composition"?

(Above thought notwithstanding, I am *very* hesitant to say we 
should that ldp:container is a good classname, given the already
significant overloading of that word, and the vast differences
currently suggested between sioc:container and ldp:container.)


[1] <>
[2] <>

A: Yes.            
| Q: Are you sure?
| | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
| | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
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Received on Monday, 7 January 2013 14:28:09 UTC