Re: interaction with a bug-tracker LDP service

On 2 Jan 2013, at 16:04, Steve Battle wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Roger Menday []
>> Say then, I want to link <Tracker/1/Bug/3> to another (existing)
> resource.
>> The <Tracker/1/Bug/3;related> collection represents all the :related
> links.
>> I can discover that it requires a ldp:link property to seed the process.
>> POST to <Tracker/1/Bug/3;related> with "<> ldp:link <Tracker/1/Bug/1> ."
> I'm not clear why you're using POST to create a link to an _existing_
> resource.
> My understanding is that POST is a mechanism to create _new_ resources
> within containers.

The collections contain *links*, and so, POST is actually creating a (additional) link.
So this is consistent.


> Could the example use PUT or PATCH instead?

> Steve.

Received on Wednesday, 2 January 2013 16:15:08 UTC