Re: Introduction


thanks, arnaud, for the intro message, and hello to everybody! i am the
other co-chair of the working group. i have worked in academia most of my
life (2006-2011 i was at the berkeley school of information, before that
mostly at ETH zürich, see if you're really
interested), but last year i changed positions and now i am working for
EMC. i am working in EMC's information intelligence group (IIG), and part
of my job is to coordinate research collaboration with universities, and
to engage in standardization activities which for me are mostly IETF and
W3C (and a tiny bit of OASIS).

my background is on REST and its focus of driving applications through
links which are dereferenced as a way of engaging in interactions. i have
been organizing the WS-REST workshop series ( at
the last three WWW conferences, and generally focus on the services aspect
of data and information management. i am really excited to be part of this
new working group, and i think that we can make quite an impact with how
linked data is being perceived and used by many people out there. if we
manage to combine linked data's data model and a RESTful interaction
model, and do this in a way that will work well for the largest possible
set of developers, then i am sure this working group can have quite some
impact. i am looking forward to being a part of that!
cheers (and see some of you next tuesday,,


Received on Thursday, 31 May 2012 01:32:10 UTC