Re: Introduction

Greetings all,

I, like Arnaud, work for IBM, though I work within the software division 
that focuses product and application lifecycle tools and processes 
(Rational).  I have been involved in an activity to improve the 
integration of our tools, along with partner, ISVs, open source and 
homegrown tools through an effort called Open Services for Lifecycle 
Collaboration (OSLC) [1].  My role within OSLC is as leading the technical 
"core" of specifications.  We have been leveraging the Linked Data 
architectural principles as a basis for our open specifications that 
define additional guidance and vocabularies.  In that work, we realized 
how these patterns and best practices (see W3C Member Submission [2]) 
would be more applicable beyond our tools spaces and other IBM groups have 
been seeing this benefit as well.

I previously worked within IBM standard's team and with various standards 
development organizations, including W3C, HL7 and IHE.  I was an editor 
within the Compound Document Formats WG [3] (now defunct).

I'm currently a number of the JSON-LD W3C Community Group (as of very 
recently) and tracking activities of various LD-related work within W3C 
and beyond.

[1] -
[2] -
[3] -

Steve Speicher | IBM Rational Software | (919) 254-0645

Arnaud Le Hors/Cupertino/IBM@IBMUS wrote on 05/30/2012 01:24:54 AM:

> From: Arnaud Le Hors/Cupertino/IBM@IBMUS
> To:, 
> Date: 05/30/2012 01:27 AM
> Subject: Introduction
> Hi all and welcome to the W3C Linked Data Platform WG! 
> I'd like to introduce myself and invite everyone on this WG to reply to 
> message with a short intro on who you are and what your interest is. 
> I'm part of IBM's standards group and recently got back in the vicinity 
> W3C as a result of IBM's interest in Linked Data. The Interview: IBM on 
> Linked Data Platform the W3C posted last week gives more info on this. 
> My previous dealings with W3C were primarily from 1997 to 2004, first as 
> staff member and then an IBM rep. I primarily worked on HTML4, DOM, and 
> as editor, activity lead, and co-chair, but I also had something to do 
> the W3C Patent Policy (fun times! ;-) as IBM AC rep. More recently I was 

> involved in the task force that led to the launch of the W3C Community 
> I'm currently member of the RDF Core WG and I will be co-chairing the 
> along with Erik Wilde from EMC. 
> --
> Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

Received on Wednesday, 30 May 2012 12:57:15 UTC