Re: Default RDF serialization

On 8/23/12 10:08 AM, David Booth wrote:
> FWIW, if the LD profile is going to recommend one RDF serialization as
> the default for RDF, I would argue strongly that it should be Turtle
> instead of RDF/XML, because:
>   (a) Turtle is far more human friendly to read;
>   (b) RDF/XML is not XML Schema friendly;
>   (c) RDF/XML has XML-based restrictions (such as prohibiting local names
> that start with a digit) that make certain RDF difficult to represent;
>   (d) RDF/XML has had a history of misleading developers who are familiar
> with XML (but not RDF) into thinking that RDF is just a kind of XML.
> Thanks!



Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Thursday, 23 August 2012 15:22:18 UTC