Re: Modularization [Was - Re: LDP interfaces in Java (based on Jena and JAX-RS)]

On 7 Aug 2012, at 15:38, "Wilde, Erik" <> wrote:

> hello henry.
> On 2012-08-07 14:43 , "Henry Story" <> wrote:
>> What if your metamodels are isomorphic? I think that is what you are
>> saying. In which case yes, you can translate between each one of them
>> without loss. That means that the choice is then no longer to be made at
>> that level.
> the important thing to keep in mind with metamodels is the ecosystem
> backing them; ecosystems of developers, systems, software,
> query/processing languages supporting them, and binding frameworks for
> programming languages. sure i can map a relational model to a generalized
> graph (and vice versa), but is it a cost-effective way for me to do when
> all i need to do is perfectly well served in a relational world where i
> can easily find millions of developers and a vast ecosystems of systems
> and tools? there is a reason why there is a very rich ecosystem of
> metamodels out there, despite the fact that you can always define mapping
> rules.

The key thing RDF adds to those older technologies is a global namespace. We need that for linked data.

Those technologies will need to be mapped in a global namespace anyway for them to be able to work for the LDP project we are building here. So the work will have to be done in any case. 

It is then very cost effective to be able to map these older technologies mathematically into RDF (proove where they are different) as this then allows tools to be build to make the mapping automatic - which is then extremely cost-effective investment. Plus in that case, and in many other the work has already been done. See the Database to RDF W3C working group.

>> The next question is: where has the most work been done in building a
>> metamodel that works with the Web? And the answer there is clear: RDF. It
>> keeps things simple by sticking to plain relations, making it easy to
>> learn, and uses URIs for the names of the entities and the relations,
>> allowing us to build linked data and LDP, and it has even build a
>> tradition of syntax agnosticism.
> the more interesting question is: do we even need to tell people which
> metamodel is good for them? the web thrives on media types and loose
> coupling, and everybody is free to choose what they want to do internally
> to manage their data (and what works best for them as a business decision,
> as mentioned in the previous paragraph). all we need to tell people is
> what kind of metamodel we're picking *for the service surface of the
> functionality we are targeting with the platform*, and that does not need
> to be the metamodel services use internally for what they're doing (and
> for reaching directly into their data, SPARQL has an HTTP protocol and
> thus this part is covered already). we *could* choose to say that we
> require those metamodels to be the same, and then we start building
> something specifically for a certain subset of service implementations,
> but that's a choice we are free to make (and the WG decided that we do
> want to focus on RDF-based implementations).

It helps to have the metamodel clearly specified, because then it is an easy mapping form that model to any of the others people know how to work. It is then easy to automate any translation and proove that it is correct. The metamodel also helps communication, and it draws on a vast pool of knowledge inside the W3C and associated partners.

>> So in my view there is no competition here. It's RDF which wins here for
>> that reason. Those who wish to adapt another of their favorite metamodel
>> can do that. When you have done the work, we can come back and discuss
>> it.  (Just remember that it will be mappable to RDF anyway, so it's not
>> so clear what the advantages would be.)
> that seems a bit one-dimensional to me. saying that RDF is the best webby
> metamodel and thus must be used is, at best, far-fetched.

It's the only one as far as I know. It has not patent encumbrances, and is run
by the W3C, an organisation I trust. 

> for example,
> popularity might be one other interesting metric to look at, and there RDF
> would not even move the scale.

There is no competition. None of the others have build global namespaces into
their thinking. They can do it. The easiest way is to go through RDF given
that the heavy lifting has been done there (and that is indeed what is being done
in other WG in the W3C, such as the SQL to RDF groups). Then mathematical isomorphisms, 
allows you to get between all your equivalent metamodels.

> i am sure you could come up with many other
> possible metrics. but we don't have to tell people what the best metamodel
> for their data is, that's the beauty of media types.

Yes, the Syntax/semantics distinction is very useful. GRDDL allows you 
to map any XML format to RDF, and one could build similar conventions for 
others formats such as JSON.

And ideed we don't tell them what the best meta model is at all. We map to 
RDF. They can map from their to their preferred one.

> but let's step back: the initial question raised by ashok and reza was
> whether this WG intended to provide solutions that would not specifically
> target RDF-centric scenarios, and all i was trying to say was that i would
> have wished it decided to do that, but that recent discussions seemed to
> indicate that the group preferred an RDF focus. that's a choice the WG has
> every right to make, but it's not the only possible path we could take.

Agree it is important to understand why this is a good choice:

 - RDF is well defined semantically
    => can easily be mapped to other metamodels
 - designed with a global namespace in mind
 - uses URIs as names 
 - can use Dereferenceable URIs. 
 - Works with the Web in a RESTful manner
 - is syntax agnostic
 - is easy to create mappings from other formats to (e.g.: GRDDL)
 - it is exceedingly simple: every 5 year old can understand arrows.
I think you showed quite clearly that the fear that it is a choice that is between
this metamodel and others is not founded: they should be mappable one to another.

It may be that we need very little semantics to get this going. But why exclude
the framework before we do the work?

> cheers,
> dret.

Social Web Architect

Received on Tuesday, 7 August 2012 14:07:48 UTC