Typos in LDP 1.0 Primer

Dear Sir and Madam

This is Shuji@Japan
I found some typos in the LDP 1.0 Primer document.

In the first praragraph of "Conventions Used in This Document" in
"Introduction" section:
-"Resoures" must be "Resources"

In the fifth praragraph in "Conventions Used in This Document" in
"Introduction" section:
-"vocabularly" must be "vocabulary"

In the Fig. 2:
-"vocabularly" must be "vocabulary"

In the Example 3:
-"retreiving" must be "retrieving"

In the Example 4:
-"retreiving" must be "retrieving"

Just for your information, "Linked Data Platform 1.0 Primer" in Japanese
is available now.


Received on Tuesday, 28 April 2015 11:36:53 UTC