LDP Testsuite Execution Report for Carbon LDP

Here is the report of the Testsuite Execution against our implementation:
Carbon LDP.

Is this the only report that needs to be sent?

Regarding the actual experience running the tests, we had to make some
minor adjustments (which I have created a pull request for) to adapt to our
implementation. Those adjustments were because of the following reasons:

   1. The Interaction Model isn't specified when retrieving a Container to
   later send it on a PUT request. On GET requests to Containers we return
   multiple resources. Because of this, we don't accept PUT requests to
   Containers using the default Interaction Model (ldp:Container for
   2. Regarding IndirectContainers, the testsuite doesn't give an option to
   specify the ldp:insertedContentRelation of the IndirectContainer (which is
   the main point of using IndirectContainers). This
   <https://github.com/w3c/ldp-testsuite/pull/168> pull request was created
   to fix that.

Yours sincerely,
Miguel Aragón, Base22

Received on Monday, 1 September 2014 23:48:02 UTC