LDP Implementation Report for Eclipse Lyo LDP Impl

Per the outlined in the LDP Test Cases document [1], I am sending the test
suite results [2] for the Eclipse Lyo LDP implementation [3].   This is
just an initial run to help test out the process with the automated test
suite, though there is only 1 failing test in 2 of the runs.  To summarize,
the implementation passes the automated tests for:
- RDF Source
- Non RDF Source
- Basic Container
- Container with Resource interaction model
- Prefer header
- Direct Container (4 separate test runs for these 4 types of DCs)
   - membershipResource == container, hasMemberRelation == ldp:member
   - membershipResource != container, hasMemberRelation == ldp:member
   - membershipResource == container, isMemberOfRelation == skos:inScheme
   - membershipResource != container, isMemberOfRelation == skos:inScheme
- among other things

Note: the Eclipse Lyo implementation was built to be a simple reference
implementation for LDP using a minimal amount of code, a little bit of Java
on top of Apache Jena and CXF.

These results are summarized in an early alpha of a method to take the EARL
results and product a WG report [4]

[1]: https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/ldpwg/raw-file/tip/tests/ldp-testsuite.html
[2]: https://github.com/w3c/ldp-testsuite/tree/master/report/contrib
[3]: http://wiki.eclipse.org/Lyo/LDPImpl
[4]: http://w3c.github.io/ldp-testsuite/report/ldp.html

Sent on behalf of contributors to the Eclipse Lyo LDP implementation
effort.  Thanks to Sam Padgett for his contributions.
Steve Speicher

Received on Monday, 30 June 2014 01:49:43 UTC