LDPC deletion: question on end of section 5.1.0

In the table at the end of section 5.1.0 one reads:

"LDPR is deleted |	Membership triple may be removed	    | (LDPC, ldp:contains, LDPR) triple is removed"
"LDPC is deleted |	Triples and member resources may be removed | Triples of form (LDPC, ldp:contains, LDPR) and contained LDPRs may be removed"

I don't undersant the sentence "Triples of form (LDPC, ldp:contains, LDPR) and contained LDPRs may be removed" in the second line.
IT is not clear where these triples appear, but one assumes that they appear in the contained LDPC.

Assume we have an ldpc2 inside an ldpc1 
and <ldpc1> contains

 <> ldp:contains <ldpc2/> .

I am assuming we delete <ldpc2>

Interpretation 1

we must understand that deleting ldpc2, which is an LDPR, then by the first line the { <> ldp:contains <ldpc2> is removed }
So how is it possible that it MAY only be removed ?

Interpretation 2

we imagine <ldpc2> contains

 <> ldp:contains <ldpr> .

we must understand that deleting <ldpc2> may delete the above ldpc2 relation. But
from where? It can't appear in ldpc2 anymore since that no longer exists... So not
sure the sentence makes sense.

I think this was brought up before.

Social Web Architect

Received on Tuesday, 2 December 2014 13:51:27 UTC