Re: Comments on LDP TR ( LC-2836)

Hi Tim,
Thank you for following up on this. I'll make sure that the WG considers 
your questions and provide a response.

Meanwhile, based on what you already know, I'd appreciate if you could 
tell me which of the following two options you prefer:

1) stick to the latest resolution: return the first page with a 200 on the 
initial GET, with the challenges you highlighted
2) revert back to having a 300 redirect to the first page and pursue 
defining 209 for LDPnext

I know neither of these options gives you what you want - 209 now - but 
given that we just can't afford defining 209 for this version of the spec, 
which of these would you consider your second best?

Arnaud  Le Hors - Software Standards Architect - IBM Software Group

Tim Berners-Lee <> wrote on 12/10/2013 06:34:18 PM:

> From: Tim Berners-Lee <>
> To: Arnaud Le Hors/Cupertino/IBM@IBMUS, 
> Cc:, Read-Write-Web <>, 
> Tabulator Developers <>
> Date: 12/10/2013 06:34 PM
> Subject: Re: Comments on LDP TR
> ldp-20130730/ ( LC-2836)
> On 2013-11 -15, at 20:19, wrote:
> > Dear Tim Berners-Lee ,
> > 
> > The Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group has reviewed the comments 
> > sent [1] on the Last Call Working Draft [2] of the Linked Data 
Platform 1.0
> > published on 30 Jul 2013. Thank you for having taken the time to 
review the
> > document and to send us comments!
> > 
> > The Working Group's response to your comment is included below.
> > 
> > Please review it carefully and let us know by email at
> > if you agree with it or not before 29 
> > 2013. In case of disagreement, you are requested to provide a specific
> > solution for or a path to a consensus with the Working Group. If such 
> > consensus cannot be achieved, you will be given the opportunity to 
raise a
> > formal objection which will then be reviewed by the Director during 
> > transition of this document to the next stage in the W3C 
> > Track.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > For the Linked Data Platform (LDP) Working Group,
> > Eric Prud'hommeaux
> > Yves Lafon
> > W3C Staff Contacts
> > 
> > 1.
> > 2.
> > 
> > 
> > =====
> > 
> > Your comment on :
> >> #########################
> >>   303 lis a basically very unsatisfactory design because of 
> >> round trip.  As this is a new spec, suggest defined 20X code meaning
> >> like a 303 but containing the representation of the thing 303d to. 
> >> has been found to a problem in LD. LDP can avoid it now.
> >> Benefit: First page back to user in one less round trip.
> >> #########################
> >> 
> >> 
> >>   This design puts the type and next links in the data.  I
> >> prefer I think using HTTP headers here as elsewhere.  Page control 
> >> is very meta, messy to have it in with actual data.
> >> Not a problem for containers, but for normal LDPRs IMHO.
> > 
> > 
> > Working Group Resolution (LC-2836):
> > Given the time constraints under which the WG is it is deemed 
> > to depend on defining a new response code as suggested. However, based 
> > input from several HTTP experts the WG decided to return the first 
> > with 200 response code on initial GET which prevents the additional
> > roundtrip you objected to.
> > See
> > 
> Shame about 209, it was needed for other things as well, all the 
> data which currently uses 303.
> Like any LD concept whose URI has no hash.
> (What is the WG's take on that -- are hashes being used everywhere?)
> So the URI which the client sent in the GET is now overloaded
> as being used to identify both the collection and the first page of 
> a collection.
> I am trying to understand how I should tweak my code to capture what
> has happened with the 200. 
> There is some large imaginary document which contains all the data 
> of which these are pages, and which has no URI itself, and we have 
> an abstract collection whose IRI is punned with the first page.
> Supposing I am making a generic client which can make a SPARQL query
> over the some linked data, and I want it to work for this situation.
> What is its algorithm? 
> I can make a function which, if looking at links from x and x is 
> punned with a a page which has a next link, then I fetch all next 
> links, aggregate all the date from them as a representation of the 
> collection document, and then query that.  Is that what I need?
> I must be able to determine the state of the collection.
> Maybe generically when not doing lazy  evaluation, I just follow all
> 'next' links wherever I find them, knowing that without doing that I
> just don't have all the data about them.  Then in my quad store, 
> what is the provence of the triples in the successive pages -- the 
> page or the union of them?
> If I want to show that y is NOT in the collection x, then I have to 
> be sure I have looked up x.
> It seems a shame to have no URI for the union, and to be overloading
> the URIs for the first page and the collection.
> And questions like that.
> Have members of the WG written code to do these things?
> Tim
> > Move Paging information out of the RDF content into HTTP headers.
> > See
> > 
> > 
> > ----
> > 
> > 
> > 

Received on Thursday, 12 December 2013 21:21:43 UTC