Special Thematic Session on Digital Solutions and Accessible Maps for Indoor and Outdoor Mobility at ICCHP-AAATE 2022

Dear All 


We would like to draw your attention to a Special Thematic Session (STS) at
the conference ICCHP-AAATE which we are organizing in the framework of our
project AccessibleMaps <https://accessiblemaps.de/?page_id=121&lang=en> .


The topic is on digital solutions and accessible maps for indoor and outdoor
mobility. For more information we refer to our web page at ICCHP-AAATE:


We would be very happy to receive contributions from your side to our STS
and kindly ask you to forward the information to distributors in the field
of inclusive mobility. Contributions about approaches and solutions to
reduce barriers that people with disabilities and older people experience in
everyday or occupational mobility are welcome. In particular, the focus will
be on the following topics:


*	Accessibility of the complete travel chain
*	Accessibility of buildings
*	Accessible maps and map services
*	Mapping services
*	Indoor and outdoor navigation for people with disabilities
*	AI-based solutions for mapping, navigation or orientation
*	Orientation strategies in buildings 
*	Egocentric and allocentric descriptions of buildings
*	Methods of universal design for mobile services
*	Evaluation with users in a mobile context



Contributions to our STS Digital solutions for inclusive mobility: solutions
and accessible maps for indoor and outdoor mobility have to be submitted
using the standard submission procedures of ICCHP-AAATE.


When submitting your contribution please make sure to select the right STS
from the drop-down list "Special Thematic Session". Contributions to a STS
are evaluated by the Programme Committee of ICCHP-AAATE and by the chair(s)
of the STS. 


Submission Deadlines for Contributions to STSs: February, 6, 2022 for
publishing in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science



Best regards



Claudia Loitsch







Dr.-Ing. Claudia Loitsch



Technische Universität Dresden 

Faculty of Computer Science

Institute of Applied Computer Science

Chair of Human-Computer Interaction

01062 Dresden


Tel.: +49 (351) 463-42027

Fax: +49 (351) 463-38491

E-Mail:  <mailto:claudia.loitsch@tu-dresden.de>



Received on Wednesday, 19 January 2022 15:41:16 UTC