Discussing linguistic annotations on the web

Dear all,

after a considerable break, I would like to suggest to have another call on
linguistic annotations, and you can find a Doodle for a telco in about 4-6
weeks from now under https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/bql7VM3a

We began working on this since three years ago (see
for pointers), as one line of discussions in parallel with other
discussions on modelling language resource data in OntoLex. Apologies for
not pushing this harder in the last two years. I was always hoping to
finalize the corpus extension of OntoLex (FrAC) first, because that would
inform our discussions, because of the overlap in people involved in both
initiatives, and because the finalization of OntoLex-FrAC always seemed
just a few calls away. FrAC is, indeed, pretty advanced, but still not
quite final. But the general problem that we have conflicting community
standards doesn't go away, so, with a fresh stream of quite a substantial
amount of data that doesn't fit the scope of FrAC discussions either (where
we started discussing that), it's probably about time to have another
annotation call in this community, as well.

I would like to suggest that, aside from the question how to establish a
more regular line of telcos, we use the call to discuss some recent work by
Ranka Stanković from the University of Belgrade and her colleagues. They
are in the process of publishing a substantial, 9 language parallel corpus
in RDF. Originally, that data comes from a TEI source, but is being
converted to NIF, and they would also like to explore and to evaluate
alternative RDF representations with respect to usability, verbosity and

Other than that, LD4LT will also have a session on the Day of W3C language
technology community groups at LDK-2023, Sep 12, Vienna, Austria:
Mostly, this will be a discussion-oriented workshop among W3C CGs OntoLex,
LD4LT, BPMLOD and the Cost Action Nexus Linguarum about current and
emerging standardization initiatives, and if you'd like to participate in
the preparation, please feel free to join the planning committee:

Best regards,

Received on Thursday, 30 March 2023 17:05:49 UTC