- From: Julia Holze <pr-aksw@informatik.uni-leipzig.de>
- Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2023 17:18:46 +0100
- To: public-ld4lt@w3.org
==== HCI International 2023 WS 5: How to develop demystified, human-centric, and sustainable AI? Copenhagen, Denmark July 23 - 28, 2023 https://2023.hci.international/W5.html ==== This summer, the project KMI https://kmi-leipzig.de/ will participate in the conference HCI International 2023, the 4th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) research area. We are hosting a workshop to clarify the question, "How to develop demystified, human-centric and sustainable AI?". The aim of the workshop is to connect interdisciplinary experts to discuss challenges, methods, approaches and potentials for a sustainable and human-centred (HC) AI design through or by means of demystification. In particular, the aspect of explainability as well as practical design methods will be the focus of the discourse. One goal is to discuss use cases to understand where the biggest hurdles lie in the implementation of AI methods for companies in practice. Furthermore, the interdisciplinary discussion in conjunction with the theoretical and methodological sketches should lead to recommendations for action. At the end of the workshop, there should be a common basis for further human-centred and sustainable AI development. We invite all researchers to participate in the workshop with poster contributions including extended abstracts. Contributions can present theoretical and methodological frameworks focusing on concepts to specify the normative basis of hybrid HC intelligence at work as they occur in specific disciplines. Or feel free to provide specific challenges and/or approaches to solutions from practice. = Important Dates = * Submission of workshop proposals: April 1, 2023 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Notification about submission acceptance: April 30, 2023 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) * Finalization of workshop organization and registration of participants: May 15, 2023 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time) Note: A workshop participation without a poster presentation is possible but should be announced until April 1, 2023, in order to support the overall workshop planning. = Expected workshop outcome = The collaboratively developed results from different perspectives will be used for application-oriented research and will thus also find direct use in practical work. By developing a common ground for the design of a sustainable, human-centered working environment with the use of explainable AI, tangible quality criteria can be derived for transfer to the application and thus decisively advance the transformation process of Industry 5.0 into practice. Through the intended subsequent publication of a white paper with short summaries of the workshop's contributions, the extended research community and interested readers will also have the opportunity to benefit from the workshop's results. = Workshop topics = 1. theoretical and methodological frameworks with an emphasis on concepts to specify the normative basis of HC hybrid intelligence at work as they occur in specific/specialized/certain disciplines: Relevant topics: * Users’ needs for HC-AI *What risks are involved in the introduction of AI? How does HC-AI affect the implementation process? * How to make the transition to the application of HC-AI? What are the challenges facing such an implementation? * Different user groups, Trustworthy AI * Which user groups/stakeholders need to be addressed by XAI? * How to design/implement methods regarding different stakeholders? * How can companies be held accountable for XAI? How can “ethics washing” be avoided and the trustworthiness of AI be strengthened? * Human-computer interaction * Which criteria are best suited to evaluate human-centeredness of AI in production environments? * What roles do power-dynamics play in the interaction between machine operator, supervisor and machine? How can they be investigated? * How can the level of human-machine-collaboration be measured? * Explainability/Methods to design a XAI * How could Natural Language Explanations/Dialog Systems be designed? * How do we evaluate the explainability of AI? * Green AI and sustainable AI * What is the role of AI (and its explainability) in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals? * How to design and evaluate sustainable, resource-efficient AI? 2. use cases with their challenges and/or solution approaches applying XAI methods. For the second line, we highly appreciated submissions from tandems of researchers and practitioners. = Guidelines to prospective authors = Submission for the Workshop: To participate in the poster presentation of the workshop, the submission of a 'Poster Extended Abstract' (4-6 pages) is requested through the HCII Conference Management System (CMS). https://cms.hci.international/2023/index.php?module=users&norm_user_op=signup Abstracts should also include the names, affiliations, contact data and disciplinary background of the submission team. The abstract submissions should refer to one of the two lines described in section “Workshop topics”. Submission for the Conference Proceedings: The contributions to be presented in the context of Workshops will not be automatically included in the Conference proceedings. However, after consultation with the Workshop Organizer, authors of accepted workshop proposals that are registered for the conference, are welcome to submit through the HCII Conference Management System (CMS), https://cms.hci.international/2023/index.php?module=users&norm_user_op=signup an extended version of their workshop contribution, to be considered for presentation at the Conference and inclusion in the “Late Breaking Work” conference proceedings, either in the LNCS as a long paper (typically 12 pages, but no less than 10 and no more than 20 pages), or in the CCIS as a short paper (typically 6 pages, but no less than 4 and no more than 8), following peer review. The submission deadline for the camera-ready papers (long or short) for the “Late Breaking Work” Volumes of the Proceedings is the 15th of June 2023. Questions about the workshop can be directed to: woelke@infai.org and anja.brueckner@uni-leipzig.de For details please go to: https://2023.hci.international/W5.html We are looking forward to your contribution! Angelika C. Bullinger-Hoffmann & Christian Zinke-Wehlmann Workshop organizers
Received on Thursday, 2 March 2023 16:21:16 UTC