[CfP] D2R2 @ The ESWC Conference 2024 – Third International Workshop on Linked Data-driven Resilience Research


Call for Papers – D2R2’24: Third International Workshop on Linked 
Data-driven Resilience Research 2024

co-located with ESWC2024

May 26th/27th, 2024

Hersonissos, Greece

https://d2r2.aksw.org/ <https://d2r2.aksw.org/>


In the face of continuously changing contextual conditions and 
ubiquitous disruptive crisis events, the concept of resilience refers to 
some of the most urgent, challenging, and interesting issues of nowadays 
society. Economic value networks, technical infrastructures, health 
systems, and social textures alike need to unfold capacities to 
withstand, adapt, recover or even refine and transform themselves to 
stay ahead of changes.

The D2R2’24 workshop, which is organized by the CoyPu project 
(https://coypu.org/), will provide an open forum to exchange current 
issues, ideas, and trends in the area of Data-driven Resilience 
Research. In particular, we are interested in hybrid AI approaches 
circling around crisis events and the resilience of companies. The 
workshop will bring together scientists, software engineers, resilience 
practitioners, and domain experts in order to approach the topic from a 
multi-disciplinary perspective. Ongoing technological developments, 
current research approaches as well as use case scenarios, and field 
reports will be presented and discussed with knowledge graph (KG) experts.

We invite contributions of novel results and ongoing work as well as 
position papers focusing on various aspects of Data-driven Resilience 
Research from a scientific or practical perspective.

## Important Dates

* Paper Submission Deadline: March 7, 2024 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time)

* Notification of Acceptance: April 4, 2024 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time)

* Camera-Ready Paper: April 18, 2024 (11:59 pm, Hawaii time)

## Topics of Interest (all in the context of Resilience Research)

* Agent-based Systems

* Information Visualization and Dashboard Technologies

* Data Modelling

* Vocabulary Engineering

* Data Pipeline Architectures

* Artificial Intelligence

* Natural Language Processing

* LLMs and Applications

* Trend Mining and Analytics

* User Interaction

* Supply Chain Data Management

* Versioning and Co-Evolution of Linked Data

* Provenance Tracking and Exploitation

* Link and Knowledge Extraction

* Corporate Memory and Big Data/Linked Data Integration

* Data Curation

* Data Catalogues and Library Systems and Applications of these 
technologies to increase resilience and sustainability.

## Organization & Submission

* Maximum 10 pages (full papers) or 5 pages (short papers, discussion 

* Papers must be formatted as PDF according to the CEUR-ART format 
one-column style. https://ceur-ws.org/HOWTOSUBMIT.html 

* Reviews will be carried out in a single-blind mode. Submission of 
supplementary source code and data is appreciated.

* Accepted contributions are planned to be published in the Open Access 
CEUR proceedings.

* At least one author of an accepted paper must register for the 
workshop to present their work.

Submission via EasyChair: 

## Organizing Committee

* Julia Holze (InfAI)

* Sebastian Tramp (eccenca GmbH)

* Michael Martin (TU Chemnitz)

* Sören Auer (TIB)

* Ricardo Usbeck (Leuphana University Lüneburg)

We are looking forward to your contribution!

With kind regards,

D2R2’24 Organizing Team

Received on Wednesday, 20 December 2023 08:16:36 UTC