[IEEE ICCI*CC'23:] IEEE ICCI*CC’23 at Stanford University during Aug. 19-21, 2023

Dear Colleague,

The IEEE ICCI*CC’23 Program has been released as attached. ICCI*CC’23 on Cogntie Informatics and Cognitive Computing will be held at Stanford University during Aug. 19-21, 2003. It includes plenary sessions of distinguished keynotes and an invited panel of transdisciplinary experts across Intelligent Sciences (IS), Cognitive Science, Computer Science, and Mathematics towards Autonomous AI (AI*) technologies. It is followed by technical sessions on intelligence science and intelligent computing; cognitive science and cognitive computing; novel methodologies and technologies of AI; autonomous and brain-inspired systems; and applications of AI* and cognitive computing.

We wish you’d find the profound and novel theories and technologies developed in the IEEE ICCI*CC series in the past 22 years (https://www.i2cicc.org/ieee-iccicc23; https://www.easychair.org/cfp/IEEE_ICCI-CC_2023) towards Autonomous AI (AI*) and its theoretical foundations. Most significant developments in the transdisciplinary fields are represented by training-free and real-time intelligence generators, cognitive computers, brain-inspired robots underpinned not only by low-level data, but also by Intelligent Mathematics (IM).

As a flagship conference series oriented on basic research on IS for AI*, IEEE ICCI*CC’23 welcomes participates to the life events on symbiotic human and machine creativity beyond learning – the essence of IS in general, and AI* in particular.

Best wishes,

IEEE ICCI*CC’23 Co-Chairs
Yingxu Wang, Prof., PhD, FIEEE, FBCS, FI2CICC, FAAIA, FWIF, P.Eng
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Received on Friday, 11 August 2023 18:39:54 UTC