[IEEE ICCI*CC'20:] Invitation: IEEE SMC'21 Special Sessions on Autonomous Systems

Dear Colleagues:

It's our great pleasure to cordially invite you to contribute a short paper to the following TC-BICS (Brain-Inspired Cognitive Systems) organized special sessions at IEEE SMC'21 (http://ieeesmc2021.org/):

a) Special session on "Autonomous Intelligent Systems" (submission code: 9tf67)
b) BMI special session on "Brain-Inspired Autonomous Systems" (submission code (BMI): 3n9ds)

You are welcome to submit a 4-6 pp. paper to these special sessions at https://conf.papercept.net/conferences/scripts/start.pl. Please observe the submission codes and deadline (May 15). We look forward to your contributions.

Best wishes,

IEEE SMC TC-BICS Co-chairs: Prof. Yingxu Wang and Prof. Henry Leung
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Received on Saturday, 8 May 2021 23:36:19 UTC