Re: Consolidating LOD vocabularies for linguistic annotations: Doodle poll and agenda document

Hi Sebastian,

that you for that slide. I'm very much aware of your work back then ;) In  
fact, explicit support for String URIs in WebAnnotation is one aspect that  
I would like to push in the context of this initiative. I see no inherent  
issue with the approach (except that it is more well-suited for some  
applications than for others), and I advocate it myself (for on-the-fly  
annotation, at least), but it could be *a lot* more visible beyond the NIF  
community and better documented in WA.

But this is not the only topic for discussion. Another one is how to  
formalize linguistic annotations in general.  NIF has limited linguistic  
data structures, WA has none --  I see no way to do morphological  
segmentation with either (without inventing new vocabulary), for example.  
Neither WA nor NIF 2.0 can adequately distinguish  non-branching phrase  
structure nodes for example. You may remember my questions about empty  
nodes a few years back (which were partially addressed with the Annotation  
element). And so on ...


Am .02.2020, 17:46 Uhr, schrieb Sebastian Hellmann  

> Hi Christian,
> just a question: What about the original harmonization that is here on  
> page 8:
> See attachment.
> Back then I traveled to Chicago to coordinate NIF with OA on this, same  
> with this standard: which has a round-trip  
> NIF >conversion.
> Are there any newly discovered flaws in this?
> -- Sebastian
> On 25.02.20 17:19, Christian Chiarcos wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> following up this discussion, we settled for a call on Feb, 26 2020,  
>> 14:00-15:00 CET to discuss (and most likely, to decide) where to  
>> >>continue this discussion (i.e., what mailing list, SIG or community  
>> group).
>> Details (incl. Zoom link) in the agenda document  
>> [>>zIA9kKfrC2Pnp5WDu2ZPV-0/edit?usp=sharing].
>> Results of the discussion will be published there, too. If you want to  
>> express a preference for or against a particular option, please feel  
>> free >>to contact me directly or to add this as a comment into the  
>> agenda document.
>> Best,
>> Christian
>> Am Fr., 31. Jan. 2020 um 21:57 Uhr schrieb Christian Chiarcos  
>> <>:
>>> Dear all,  
>>> in the past few weeks, I addressed several communities with the  
>>> suggestion to discuss the prospective harmonization of vocabularies  
>>> >>>for linguistic annotations on the web, most notably Web Annotation  
>>> (Open Annotation) and NIF. (Apologies for cross-posting.) This >>>met  
>>> considerable interest, so that I would like to suggest a telco for  
>>> figuring out *where to discuss this best*.
>>> Obviously the problem won't be solved by a single telco, but we can  
>>> discuss how to establish effective communication. The obvious  
>>> >>>options are a number of existing mailing lists, SIGs or W3C  
>>> community groups.
>>> Agenda document:
>>> Feel free to add your preferences.
>>> Doodle poll:
>>> The options are limited to the week after Feb 24th. If you cannot  
>>> participate but would like to express your preferences, please let me  
>>> >>>know and put a comment into the agenda document.
>>> Note that I won't spam the mailing lists with updates on the results  
>>> of the poll, etc. So, please subscribe to updates from the Doodle poll  
>>> >>>to get the notification about the time slot and check the agenda  
>>> document before Feb 24 for information about the teleconference  
>>> >>>software (not trivial as we expect more than 10 participants).
>>> I will put conclusions of the discussion in the agenda document, so if  
>>> you're not able to participate in the call, you can afterwards learn  
>>> >>>about the results.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Christian
>>> --Prof. Dr. Christian Chiarcos
>>> Applied Computational Linguistics
>>> Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt a. M.
>>> 60054 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
>>> office: Robert-Mayer-Str. 11-15, #107
>>> mail:
>>> web:
>>> tel: +49-(0)69-798-22463
>>> fax: +49-(0)69-798-28334
> --All the best,
> Sebastian Hellmann
> Director of Knowledge Integration and Linked Data Technologies (KILT)  
> Competence Center
> at the Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) at Leipzig University
> Executive Director of the DBpedia Association
> Projects:,,  
> Homepage:
> Research Group:

Received on Tuesday, 25 February 2020 20:08:21 UTC