FW: 2nd CFP: eLex 2017: Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Lexicography from Scratch

[apologies for multiple postings]

Dear colleagues,

eLex conference series continues with a conference in Leiden, the Netherlands in 2017. Please forward this announcement and second call for papers (also available at https://elex.link/elex2017/call-for-papers/) to any colleagues or lists that may be interested in the conference. The theme for eLex 2017 is Lexicography from scratch.

Dates:                                                 19 - 21 September 2017

Venue:                                                Holiday Inn, Leiden (Netherlands)

Deadline for abstract submissions:    1 February 2017

Notification of acceptance:                15 March 2017

Conference website:                           http://www.elex.link/elex2017

Language of the conference:             English

The number of participants is limited to 150

Confirmed keynote speakers:

- Frieda Steurs (Dutch Language Institute, NL)

- Ivan Titov (University of Amsterdam, NL)

- winner of the Adam Kilgarriff prize (to be announced by 31 December 2016)

Further information on submission procedure, additional keynote speakers, registration etc. will be made available on the conference website in the following months.

Those interested in sponsoring the conference or conducting a post-conference workshop, please contact the organizing committee at oc@elex.link<mailto:oc@elex.link>, or use the contact form on the conference website.

Looking forward to seeing you in the Netherlands,

the eLex 2017 organizing committee:

Carole Tiberius, Dutch Language Institute  (local organizer)

Iztok Kosem, Centre for Applied Linguistics, Trojina Institute / Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana

Jelena Kallas, Institute of the Estonian Language

Miloš Jakubíček, Lexical Computing

Simon Krek, Centre for Language Resources and Technologies, University of Ljubljana / "Jožef Stefan" Institute


Electronic lexicography in the 21st century: Lexicography from Scratch (eLex 2017)

Call for papers

The theme of eLex 2017 is 'Lexicography from scratch' and the conference aims to investigate state-of-the-art technologies and methods for automating the creation of dictionaries. Over the past two decades, advances in NLP techniques have enabled the automatic extraction of different kinds of lexicographic information from corpora and other (digital) resources. As a result, key lexicographic tasks, such as finding collocations, definitions, example sentences, translations, are more and more beginning to be transferred from humans to machines. Automating the creation of dictionaries is highly relevant, especially for under-resourced languages, where dictionaries need to be compiled from scratch and where the users cannot wait for years, often decades, for the dictionary to be "completed". Key questions to be discussed are: What are the best practices for automatic data extraction, crowdsourcing and data visualisation? How far can we get with Lexicography from scratch and what is the role of the lexicographer in this process?

Papers on the following topics are particularly welcome:

*         Automatic creation of dictionary content

*         Crowdsourcing and its use in lexicography

*         Visualisation of lexical data

*         Linked lexical data and its presentation

*         Exploitation of language resources: monolingual and multilingual corpora, learner corpora, lexical databases (e.g. Wordnet, Framenet, DANTE, Wikipedia)

*         New reference tools with a dictionary element (e.g. learning tools, writing assistants)

*         Dictionary writing systems and other software available to the lexicographer

*         Integration of NLP tools (e.g. grammatical annotation, speech synthesis)

*         Dictionary content in different digital media (e.g. tablets, mobile devices)

*         Usage practices of the users of electronic dictionaries

*         Automated customisation of dictionaries to users' needs and characteristics (e.g. proficiency level, mother tongue)

*         Integration of electronic dictionaries into language learning and teaching (e.g. CALL, translator training)


The abstracts, to be submitted by 1 February 2017, should be between 300-500 words in length (excluding references).

There will be three categories of presentation at the conference:

*         Paper (25 minutes, including discussion)

*         Software presentation (25 minutes, including discussion)

*         Posters and demos

Software presentations should not include only a demo of the software but also other aspects, such as the analysis of user needs, rationale for certain features, specifics of  projects/datasets etc. The posters and demos are intended to present research still at a preliminary stage and on which researchers would like to get feedback.

In order to give a presentation at the conference, you must have your abstract accepted.

The abstracts should be submitted via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=elex2017.

Important dates

Abstract submissions: 1 February 2017

Notification of acceptance: 15 March 2017

Submission of full papers: 15 May 2017

Reviews of full papers: 15 June 2017

Camera-ready papers: 25 June 2017

eLex conference: 19-21 September 2017


Dr Carole Tiberius
computational linguist
+31 (0)71 527 2483 / room 104b

/instituut voor de Nederlandse taal/
Matthias de Vrieshof 2 / 2311 BZ Leiden / ivdnt.org


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Received on Thursday, 8 December 2016 12:19:48 UTC