RE: Starting Regular LD4LT teleconferences

Dear Colleagues,

I'll be on these calls. Thank you!


-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Lewis [] 
Sent: Tuesday, April 08, 2014 6:08 AM
To: Tatiana Gornostay
Subject: Re: Starting Regular LD4LT teleconferences

thanks for letting us know.

In general, we aim to get volunteers to scribe the meeting on Internet Relay
Chat, so even if you can't join a call there will be detailed minutes


On 07/04/2014 17:27, Tatiana Gornostay wrote:
> Apologies, I wrote that on April 2.
> With best wishes,
> Tatiana
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tatiana Gornostay []
> Sent: ceturtdiena, 2014. gada 3. aprîlis 7:23
> To: Dave Lewis
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: Starting Regular LD4LT teleconferences
> Hello, Dave!
> I cannot make it today due to business trip, but I will join you next
Thursday, April 10 with pleasure!
> With best wishes,
> Tatiana
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 2014. gada 2. apr., at 17:15, "Dave Lewis" <>
>> Hi all,
>> After our successful face to face kickoff meeting for the LD4LT 
>> communiy group in Athens on the 21st, we would like to establish a 
>> regular teleconference slot.  This way we can work in detail to 
>> address the issues raised in this meeting and future planned 
>> workshops as well as get broader input from people who aren't able to
make the workshops.
>> We'd like to propose therefore that we convene for an hour's call, 
>> 10am CEST Thursday morning every two weeks. Does this slot suit people?
>> We can start next week, i.e. thursday 10th April at 10am CEST  - you 
>> can check this for your own timezone at
>> 1
>> 40410T09&p1=78&ah=1
>> We will use goto meeting, see details at the end of this mail but 
>> also on wiki at:
>> I suggest an agenda below, but other topics are welcome - its your 
>> community group:
>> 1) Quick introductions
>> 2) Aim of LD4LT group
>> 3) Quick tour of IRC, gotomeeting and community site
>> 4) short report from kickoff meeting in Athens:
>> m
>> ap_Meeting
>> 5) issues for discussion
>> - topics arising from athens meeting
>> - linked data vocabulary for META-SHARE language resource meta-data
>> 6) AOB
>> I look forward to talking to you tomorrow,
>> Dave Lewis
>> LD4LT co-chair
>> teleconf details:
>> 1.  Please join my meeting.
>> 2.  Use your microphone and speakers (VoIP) - a headset is recommended.
>> Or, call in using your telephone.
>> Ireland: +353 (0) 19 030 053
>> Australia: +61 2 9091 7606
>> Austria: +43 (0) 7 2088 1036
>> Belgium: +32 (0) 28 08 4345
>> Canada: +1 (647) 497-9372
>> Denmark: +45 (0) 69 91 89 24
>> Finland: +358 (0) 942 41 5788
>> France: +33 (0) 170 950 586
>> Germany: +49 (0) 811 8899 6928
>> Italy: +39 0 693 38 75 53
>> Netherlands: +31 (0) 208 080 212
>> New Zealand: +64 (0) 4 974 7243
>> Norway: +47 21 04 29 76
>> Spain: +34 931 81 6713
>> Sweden: +46 (0) 852 500 182
>> Switzerland: +41 (0) 225 3311 20
>> United Kingdom: +44 20 3657 6777
>> United States: +1 (213) 493-0618
>> Access Code: 360-074-461
>> Audio PIN: Shown after joining the meeting
>> Meeting ID: 360-074-461

Received on Tuesday, 8 April 2014 10:24:55 UTC