RE: Building Topology Ontology is available in the NFDI4Ing Terminology Service


Guess the sublevel is a mistake?:

Personally I like AECO but operational phase has no counterpart over there….

From: Maxime Lefrançois <>
Sent: dinsdag 30 mei 2023 16:47
To: Pieter Pauwels <>; Mads Holten Rasmussen <>; georg schneider <>
Subject: Re: Building Topology Ontology is available in the NFDI4Ing Terminology Service

Hi guys,

I'd say it's fine if we stay at the level of "Construction Engineering and Architecture".  in the DFG classification, what do you think ?

Maxime Lefrançois
Associate Professor
IMT - MINES Saint-Étienne - Institut Henri Fayol
Member of Laboratoire LIMOS - UMR CNRS 6158

De: "Engel, Felix" <<>>
À: "Pieter Pauwels" <<>>, "Mads Holten Rasmussen" <<>>, "Maxime LEFRANCOIS" <<>>, "georg schneider" <<>>
Envoyé: Mardi 30 Mai 2023 16:43:17
Objet: Building Topology Ontology is available in the NFDI4Ing Terminology Service

Dear authors of the Building Topology Ontology,

we are pleased to inform you that we have successfully added your Building Topology Ontology<> to our NFDI4Ing Terminology Service<>.
Our aim is to bring together your and other ontologies from the broad field of engineering and make them easily accessible to interested communities for use and further contribution and curation. Potential users of their ontology can thus search, browse and visualise matching entries. Furthermore, we provide a machine-readable interface (REST interface<>) through which these ontologies can be automatically queried and integrated into third-party applications. An example of the latter is our browser plugin TermClick<>, which already queries their and other ontologies from our service ad hoc.

In order to improve the discoverability of the Building Topology Ontology, we would like to ask you if you could classify your ontology for us with regard to the DFG classification<>? You are welcome to choose more than one suitable entry. Among others, some sub classes of the entry Construction Engineering and Architecture<> might be already relevant for you?

Ps: Please feel free to forward this email to your colleagues. Please do not hesitate to contact us with questions, suggestions or criticism.
PPS: We now also have a LinkedIn<> account to keep you up to date with the latest news. It would be nice to welcome you there

All the best,
Felix Engel

German National Library of Science and Technology
 Dr.-Ing. Felix Engel (LinkedIn<>, ORCID<>)
Am Klagesmarkt 29-30
30159 Hannover
Terminology Service<>, LinkedIn<>     [NFDI4ING_ALT_LOGO]
Ontology Curation Portal<>                 [OntologyPOrtalLogo]

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Received on Tuesday, 30 May 2023 14:57:01 UTC