Invitation: Upcoming LBD CG Calls – next call 9 February 2021

Dear all,

on behalf of the new Chairs of the W3C LBD Community Group, I am very pleased to announce a series of upcoming Calls.

# The next call of the LBD CG is scheduled for:
   9 February 2021, Tue, 16:00-17:30@UTC/ 17:00-18:30@CET/ 08:00-09:30@PST/ 00:00-01:30@CST

# Agenda (tentative):
“Group discussion” - After introducing the new chairs focus will be on discussing the status quo of LBD CG efforts and future directions.

-       Use cases

-       Aim (CG vs. WG)

-       Focus points of CG calls: Selected Topics on [...] vs. Regular Topic-related calls // PhD talks // Elevator pitches

-       Best practices for publishing ontologies

-       Action items [htaccess file, other Github issues]

-       Forum via Discourse // reinstall the W3C wiki // continuing with the Github repositories for [...]

# Connection details:
Connection details have been shared via the mailing list at

>> Starting 9 February 2021, the meetings will take place in a bi-weekly mode at a fixed time and day of the week. The group maintains holding its meetings every second Tuesday at 15:00-16:30@UTC, 17:00-18:30@CEST, 16:00-17:30@BST, 08:00-09:30@PDT, 23:00-00:30@CST (during winter time accordingly, e.g. 17:00-18:30@CET).

The upcoming LBD CG Calls are scheduled as follows:

Invited speaker
Group Discussion
Introduction of new Chairs / Status quo & Future directions
Nicolas Pauen
Integrated representation of building service systems: Topology extraction and TUBES ontology
Raf Vanlathem (AWV)
Flemish Road Agency (AWV): BIM for road infrastructure using OTLs

We are looking forward to the call!

The Chairs
[Ana Wagner, Karl Hammer, Mathias Bonduel, Katja Breitenfelder]

Received on Thursday, 4 February 2021 17:44:51 UTC