Discussion w.r.t. introducing inverse properties in BOT

Dear all!

in the last W3C LBD CG call we had a discussion on whether to introduce inverse properties in BOT or not, e.g.:

bot:containedInZone a owl:ObjectProperty ;
    owl:inverseOf bot:containsZone .

-> see Also https://github.com/w3c-lbd-cg/bot/issues/82

Several advantages and disadvantages exists (as listed by Mads):


More natural queries
Richer data model
More inferenced information
Better performance in traditional noSQL stores (I think)


BOT is supposed to be minimal and with this change, it grows significantly
Steeper learning curve for newcomers (we should consider not to have separate sections in the doc but only mention them as the inverse of the primary property)

We would like to collect your opinions on this topics and determine if this is a pressing issue or not. Feel free to send your comments through the mailing list or add them to the comments in the github issue #82.



Received on Thursday, 9 July 2020 06:38:45 UTC