LBD ontologies - concept of aggregation and hosting

Dear members of the LBD group,

Based on discussions in the Github repositories of the LBD ontologies BOT and PRODUCT, I want to propose the following:

*        the concept of aggregation: this concerns one construction element that consists of multiple smaller parts, e.g. a column that exists from a base, a shaft and a capital. The terminology is currently located in the PRODUCT ontology, but it probably fits better in the BOT module (topology) as it used to:

o   remove the concept product:aggregates from the PRODUCT ontology (

o   reintroduce bot:aggregates in BOT v0.4.0

o   in the DUL alignment, bot:aggregates can also be made a subproperty of dul:hasPart:

o   see discussion on Github:

*        the concept of hosting: this concerns one construction element that is hosted by another, e.g. a door hosted by a wall. The terminology is already in BOT, but the name is confusing w.r.t. the concept of aggregation. It might also be confusing w.r.t. another (super)property bot:hasElement between a bot:Zone and a bot:Element.

o   remove bot:hasSubElement from BOT

o   reintroduce bot:hostsElement in BOT v0.4.0

Instead of removing classes/properties of the ontologies, it is also possible to add rdf:type owl:DeprecatedClass or rdf:type owl:DeprecatedProperty to a resp. a depreciated class or property. I would also like to have some kind of easier access to older versions of ontologies, e.g. via Github releases with the TTL directly available:

Please give your opinion on the matter discussed above and I hope we can take some decisions afterwards.

@Pieter/Kris: can this matter be discussed during the next LBD Telco?

Best regards,

Mathias Bonduel
Doctoral researcher
Faculty of Engineering Technology
Technology Campus Ghent
Gebroeders De Smetstraat 1
9000 GENT
tel. + 32 92 65 86 36
gsm + 32 474 93 52 51<>

Received on Monday, 27 May 2019 15:37:43 UTC