Matching ontologies with BOT

Dear all,

Please find a revision of proposed, manually created alignments of BOT to BRICK, DERI ROOM, DogOnt, SAREF4Building, ThinkHome and ifcOWL ontologies here:

Any comments on:

-          Suggested ways to extend from a "upper" ontology to more specific domain ontologies;

-          Available dataset or use case to investigate potential benefits from cross-domain querying and reasoning using the alignments;

-          Additional alignments of BOT to domain ontologies you have on your own. Preferable commit to the respective branch;

are highly appreciated. Please feel free to raise issues or comment on issues in this regards using the respective github mechanisms.


Please also consider the automatically generated alignments obtained from using AgreementMakerLight tool

Currently there still exists a deprecated branch, which needs to be merged with the most recent efforts

Kind regards,

Georg Schneider

M.Sc. Georg Ferdinand Schneider
Technical Building System Solutions
Department Energy Efficiency and Indoor Climate

Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP, Nürnberg Branch
Fürther Straße 250 - Auf AEG Bau 16 | 90429 Nürnberg | Germany

Phone: +49 911 56854-9145 | Fax: +49 911 56854-9121<>
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Received on Tuesday, 5 March 2019 16:06:23 UTC