- From: Pieter Pauwels <pipauwel.Pauwels@UGent.be>
- Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2019 07:51:04 +0000
- To: "ldwg@lists.ugent.be" <ldwg@lists.ugent.be>, "public-lbd@w3.org" <public-lbd@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <1547797865965.72702@UGent.be>
????Hello all, Please find hereby -attached and below- the CFP for the LDAC2019 workshop in Lisbon! Please consider submitting a research or industry track paper. Furthermore, this year, we will include a 2-day summer school as part of the LDAC workshop! Registrations to the summer school will open mid February. Thank you for spreading the word. ---------- ? CALL FOR PAPERS: We hereby invite you to submit your paper to the LDAC 2019 - 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop<http://linkedbuildingdata.net/ldac2019>, which will take place in Lisbon, Portugal. IMPORTANT DATES: Paper submission: March 3, 2019 Notification of acceptance for paper submissions: March 30, 2019 Workshop registration deadline: May 28, 2019 LDAC Summer School + Workshop: June 17-21, 2019 This year's LDAC workshop takes place in Lisbon, Portugal, and is locally organized by the Design and Computation Group (DCG)<http://dcg.fa.utl.pt/> of Faculdade de Arquitetura, Universidade de Lisboa, in partnership with Beta-i<http://beta-i.com/>. For more information regarding the event, please visit LDAC 2019 website: http://linkedbuildingdata.net/ldac2019 I kindly request that you share this Call for Papers with potentially interested colleagues. Sorry for cross-posting and directly emailing. Best regards, Rui de Klerk PhD Candidate - Design and Computation Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon dcg.fa.utl.pt/authors/rui-de-klerk<http://dcg.fa.utl.pt/authors/rui-de-klerk> [https://docs.google.com/uc?export=download&id=0B-HTrGkHyZ-fYjB1ZGdXcElYVkE&revid=0B-HTrGkHyZ-fQnhRUG1ZVVdnRk41bXp2Y1hkWnhBbUZKbiswPQ]<http://dcg.fa.utl.pt/authors/rui-de-klerk> Local organization team, 7th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop<http://linkedbuildingdata.net/ldac2019/>
- application/pdf attachment: LDAC2019_CFP.pdf
Received on Friday, 18 January 2019 07:51:36 UTC